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What’s Next For Me: Deciding what to do after high school

Written by Raquel Hart | May 15, 2023
Here are some things to consider when weighing out your post-high school options!

Graduating high school is an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming when it comes to deciding what to do next. You might be considering going to college, technical school, entering the workforce, or even taking a gap year. Here are some things to keep in mind when making this important decision.

College is a popular choice for many high school graduates. It can offer opportunities for personal growth, career development, and social connections. However, college can also be expensive. Before deciding to attend college, you should research the costs and potential financial aid options. There are various forms of financial aid available such as scholarships, grants, and loans that you can apply for. You can also explore options such as attending a community college first or working part-time while in college to help with expenses.

Technical school is another option for those who want to learn a specific trade or skill. These programs are often shorter in duration and less expensive than traditional college programs. Additionally, technical school graduates often have a higher chance of finding employment immediately after graduation.

Entering the workforce directly after high school is also a possibility that could help you find a potential career. This option can be appealing for those who want to start earning money right away or have a particular career path in mind that does not require a college degree. However, keep in mind that some employers may require a degree or specialized training for certain positions. However, working your way up in a corporation can be a great option leading to a lucrative career.

Taking a gap year, or a year off between high school and further education or work, is becoming increasingly popular. This option can allow you to travel, gain work experience, or simply take a break from the academic grind. However, it is important to make sure that you have a plan for how you will spend your gap year, and that you do not let this time go to waste by getting yourself in an unreasonable amount of debt.

Ultimately, the decision of what to do after high school is a personal one that depends on your interests, goals, and financial situation. It is important to research your options thoroughly and weigh the pros and cons of each choice. Don't be afraid to seek advice from trusted family members, teachers, or guidance counselors.

If you do choose a path that requires significant financial investment, such as attending college, it is important to explore ways to finance your education. Researching scholarships and grants is a good starting point. Additionally, filling out the free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) can help determine eligibility for federal financial aid, including grants and loans. There are also thousands of scholarships available to high school grads! If you would like to learn more about the ones you qualify for, speak to your teachers, counselors, coaches, and any other extra-curricular activity leader you're a part of.

There are a variety of options available to high school graduates. Whether you choose college, technical school, entering the workforce, or taking a gap year, it is important to make an informed decision based on your own unique situation. Don't forget to consider the financial aspects and explore ways to finance your education or training. Good luck with whatever path you choose!